A "plank owner" is an individual who was a member of the crew of a ship
when that ship was placed in commission. In earlier years, this applied
to a first commissioning; since then, it has often been applied to one
who was part of a recommissioning crew as well.
Displacement: 11,373 t.
Length: 557’1”
Beam: 75’
Extreme Width: 104’
Draft: 32’
Speed: 19 k.
Complement: 1,066
Armament: 2 5”; 36 40mm; 24 20mm
Aircraft: 34
The designation CVE was first assigned July 15, 1943. Prior designations were AVG August 31, 1941 and ACV August 20, 1942.From 1941 to the end of 1945
there were 108 of these vessels built, 22 of which were transferred to the Royal Navy.Several of the Commencement Bay class were built but never commissioned. The CVE designation went out of use when the remaining escort
carriers were reclassified AKV (Aircraft Ferry) on May 7, 1959.
In searching the www I have found precious little about CVE-111. With the assistance of Thomas L. Wilson who served on Vella Gulf for her entire but brief active existence.We have compiled this document to aid in the preservation of the history of CVE-111.
The ship took part in air strikes on the Marianas islands in July of 1945 She also took part in the initial occupation of Japan.