The following images were shot at the NY State Canal Corporation’s Waterford Repair Facility during the summer 2003 refit of the Waterfront Museum and Showboat Barge.
To learn more about this project
visit: The Waterfront Museum and Showboat Barge
The images on page one were shot in early July, 2003. The images on pages two and three were shot on
August 16, 2003.
Due to the successful cleanup of America’s waters during the 1990’s, wood-eating marine borers are back in the NY harbor. Marine Divers confirmed that the Lehigh Valley Railroad Barge #79, home to The Waterfront Museum & Showboat Barge, had extensive teredo and gribble shipworm activity. These wood-eating marine animals which bore holes and tunnels in the surface of the wood, (they produce up to 100 million eggs per female), will weaken the planks to the extent that without care, the barge was unlikely to survive another two seasons.
©2003 Chris Queeney Photography |
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